Monday, 14 February 2011

Well, today's Valentines day, and surprise surprise, its a let down, as usual. I would have said it was a let down but it is only 8 pm therefore the day is not over and it could still be good, the optimism inside me refuses to die. After all, there is a large, if heart shaped, chocolate cake yet to be eaten. And I say let down but I didn't expect anything in the first place. I do like the idea of Valentine's day, because I like cheese, as I think I've mentioned before, and I am a hopeless romantic deep down, but it really does no favours to teens, or single adults I'm sure. Many people of my age are already very self conscious and lacking in confidence so to have a day where the world (well the media really, they're always to blame) makes you feel worthless and ugly for not being loved by anyone really just rubs salt in the fragile wounds of insecure teens. I'm probably coming across as a bit more depressed than I actually am, but Valentines day is not really a day of any significance, unlike other saint's days, and yet it has become a day, fuelled by peer pressure, that many people see as a mark of their worth, and for some, single, people it is really the last thing they need. Again I may sound uncharacteristically pessimistic; I'm sure there are good sides to this day and if I was "loved up" I'd see it as just an excuse to make more of a deal over showing that special person that I care for them.

The disappointing nature of today does not bode well for the rest of the week. I predicted this morning that this week would be unbelievably crap in comparison to last week and I can see it coming true if I don't do something about it soon. Last week was very good, the best in a while and really what I needed. It was always going to be good as we had booked tickets to see my beloved White Lies on Thursday since before Christmas. Although I knew it would be good, because the White Lies do not have it in them to be a let down, it turned out so much better than I though it would be. I am sounding pessimistic again, I think the last few weeks have made me a cynic, I can't let that continue. But after seeing them at possibly the most intimate gig I will ever get the honor of being at in my life, York Hall, I really wasn't expecting it to be so good. First of all we managed to get right to the barrier yet again. I personally loved my position as I was unbelievably close to Harry McVeigh but at the same time I was right in the line of sight of Jack, the drummer. Not only this but I am pretty sure Harry recognized us, well we have seen them four times now, and on all occasions we were right at the barrier basically and we saw them at a signing. On top of this he properly looks you in the eyes and when you sing the lyrics back at him he does this ridiculously cute smile and you just know he loves it. The cherry on the cake was that they finally played E.S.T, one of my favorites and I have been waiting to hear it for aaages!!! AND they played Unfinished Business and Holy Ghost, my day was made. Oh yeah, and we got the set list and another guitar pic. AND there were no annoying arses shoving between us, in fact the crowd behind us was practically dead and we didn't get so much as nudged throughout the entire night.

I also had two study afternoons last week, which considering I have never had one before was quite a way to start the proceedings. I even had a half price lunch out with the girlies in one of them which really was surprisingly good fun and surprisingly delicious. Then on Saturday it was my brothers birthday party which turned out to be pretty fun. I was really in the mood for dancing but I wasn't sure if anyone would but they did so it was good! I also managed to go from having done absolutely no textiles coursework to having half finished my jacket. So all in all it was a pretty good week.

Basically, I think I need to learn not to think weeks will be bad because they won't be as good as other events in my life. My life will probably be better when I live as if each week is a new opportunity to do great things and maybe it will be better than the week before, you never know. (I told you I liked cheese) I think I came up with this theory after seeing Muse in Wembley Stadium; this was, and remains, the best concert I have ever been to. I was worried that any future concert I would ever go to would be a massive let down since it would never be as good as that night. However, I just thought, if I mentally separate the Muse concert from all other concerts I can't compare them and it will be fair on the other bands. If you are following this then I think it is a pretty good analogy to life. If you were to live by comparisons I don't think you would every be truly happy.

As for Valentines day, I think music, and the dish of the day himself, Harry McVeigh will be my Valentine.

Lyric of the day: "I'm your absent Valentine" - Embrace, Chase & Status feat. White Lies

1 comment:

  1. Dish of the day indeed - goes well with the chocolate cake ! Happy Valentine's X
