Thursday, 7 April 2011

Why Tuesday Is The New Friday

(yes I know it is now Thursday and so following my own theory today is Sunday : ( but luckily my theory isn't real and therefore today is Thursday and tomorrow is Friday! Everyone's a winner!)

Over the past 7 weeks or so, as I think I have mentioned before, I took back up my part time job. I do it every Tuesday afternoon for about 3 and a half hours because I have a "study" afternoon, ooh naughty me! Trust me though, if it weren't for the money I'd much rather study than have to haul around god knows how many boxes full of files up and down stairs and into attics then painstakingly remove every single god forsaken staple out of every flipping sheet. This week was particularly painful as, after believing I would have the "luxury" of only having to de-metal, I arrived at work with very tired legs and bruised ribs, preventing me from bending even the slightest amount, to find I in fact had to lift a further 10 or so boxes, oh the joys!

Why were my ribs bruised? Because the night before I had been to see Does It Offend You, Yeah? at Heaven and since we were by far the first people to arrive there, even though we dawdled in comparison to how early we usually turn up to gigs, we got right to the barrier and hence the bruising. It was an amazing night though, and I finally got a set list! The support acts, Tripwire and Hounds were also pretty good and the venue was really nice and intimate. So far my challenge of going to at least one concert a month this year is going well. The worrying thing is now though the next concert I have booked is in July! So I really need to sort something out for May soon!

So since Tuesday is the only day I work and it really is more tiring than all of my coursework, homework and revision put together, which is really saying something, when it is finished for the week it is more relieving than the end of the school week on Friday. It may also have something to do with the fact that on Wednesdays I don't have Japanese, my only academic subject left now that I've finished maths, and the only subject I actually have to think in. Therefore Wednesday usually feels like a bit of a dos for me. However, this feeling probably won't last much longer as my art exam and textiles coursework deadlines are rapidly approaching, not to mention my actual exams which I haven't even properly started revising for yet. Oh well.  

Lyric of the Day: "Crazy, crazy! Easy tiger" - Norgaard, The Vaccines

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