This week I have "finished" my final piece for my exam module in art. The term to "finish" is a loose one when it comes to art, because it is never finished. I could spend my whole life trying to finish my art A-Level and it would never happen. But for now it appears to be completed, how long it will be though is unknown. With the amount of drama going on in the art department recently I could be told to rip it to shreds at any moment, but I won't bore you with that.
This is view one of my, overly complex, final piece. It is meant to be my eye, but very pixelated |
View two...I can't even be bothered to start explaining this one |
The final view. This one is my personal favourite; it's meant to be of my brother's eye, again in a simplified form |
Lyric of the Day: "I'm the candyman....Also known as Dave, Dave from Sheffield" - F**k The Millennium, Scooter
Ehehe :')