So its been a few of months since I actually created this blog, not that anyone would know, and I have finally got round to writing my first post. I have been so busy for the last few months, but, over the Christmas holiday I had a bit of an epiphany. I originally didn't know what to write about, it was going to be just a random reel of my thoughts really with no intended structure. However, there has been one thing in my life that has stayed a constant since I was about 6: I want to be a fashion designer. As I am nearing the end of my life in school and I am starting to get offers for places on art foundation courses my dreams are starting to become a reality. So, to document this pivotal part of my life I am going to use this blog to record my journey to becoming a fashion designer.
My earliest memories of wanting to design clothes were from about reception and year 1 of primary school. I was about 5 or 6, I think, and every wet play break we had (when it rained, so a lot) I would sit and draw clothes onto bodies. That continued throughout my entire stay at primary school; I would even hatch plans to create fashion houses with my friends or we'd design our wedding dresses and joke about how we'd get married to the cast of Harry Potter in them (I had Harry, of course). Then, when I outgrew this in secondary school it got a bit more serious and I took art and textiles for both GCSE and A Level, where I started to design and make dresses (pictures to follow soon). As part of my current project, I am making a three piece casual outfit, comprising of a top, jacket and trousers (maybe a skirt or shorts, I haven't decided yet). I will be started this in the next week I'd say so more on this later. I am also currently exploring a fashion theme in my art work, using recycled materials to make dresses (again, more of this to come). So far, my only current claim to fashion fame is that I won a competition held by the V&A last year to design an outfit to be worn 20 years in the future. But I intend to change this.
I have always jotted down ideas in random notebooks whenever they come to me, often just before I drift of to sleep actually, but this has always been a very inconsistent and unorganized affair, with segments of ideas scattered between several notebooks. So, my new years resolution this year, and the first I actually plan to stick to, is to sketch an idea in my book, bought especially for this purpose from Paperchase, everyday of the year as a kind of fashion diary. So far its been going well, and by that I mean I stuck with it for the first 3 days of January, a personal record. However, I have caught up and I promise, I won't break it again!
So that is my brief history in fashion, keep reading, there will be pictures coming soon!
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