Well the day is finally here, I am finished maths FOREVER!!!!!! (well you know, as far as school work goes) Today was my first full day back at school since I finished my maths A Level, I was at a Ravensbourne interview and a Central Saint Martins portfolio review last Thursday and Friday (more of that in a bit), and I loved it! I didn't realize not having to go to a maths lesson for the first time in 14 years would be so liberating! It feels so good to have 2/3 of my lessons being creative! I have so much more time to spend on my art and textiles now so hopefully I can actually get my coursework done, well that's easier said than done, watch this space.
So, I went for my interview at Ravensbourne on Thursday, I think it went alright, felt pretty painless, actually not as bad as I thought it would. It's now definitely my top choice, but I'm not too sure on the practicalities of getting their, the journey to North Greenwhich via the Picadilly line was a nightmare; try squeezing yourself onto an already jam packed train with two massive art folders and a lady with a suitcase complaining at you because you have the ignorance to think you'll get on this train! I got on though and made it just in time. Luckily, the Jubilee line was a lot less crowded and this is the line I would be using if I went there. I am making no further comment on the interview itself because I have no idea how it actually went as the lady interviewing me gave me absolutely no signs as to whether she liked my work, unlike the last interview. The student ambassador on the other hand said I would make a great textiles student though! Note to self: must not get my hopes up!
Then, the next day I had my portfolio review at Central Saint Martins. Apart from missing the train I originally intended to get due to the extremely irregular traffic Slough suffered that morning, Murphy's law of course, and arriving 20 minutes late and then having to lug my work up 4 flights of stairs, almost killing myself in the process, it was an extremely easy day. The fact that I was late turned out to pose no problems at all and I got to browse around London whilst they decided my fate. You could say it was a pretty good day; I bought some of my favorite Meron Pan from the Japan center, I got to look in all the shops with practically no-one in them, I ate my lunch in Covent Garden whilst watching a street performer (I think it was called the Tom show?), albeit in the freezing cold, and I bought a bag that I have had my eye on for aaages in Irregular Choice that was reduced from £45 to £18! And the best part? I only went and bumped into Dom from Muse, my favorite band!
This is how it happened: I was starting to get a little bored (you'll be suprised how bored you can get in London when you know you have to spend a certain amount of time there and you're on your own) so I didn't really know what to do so I just started walking down Oxford street, I was by the Tottenham Court Road end. Then what happens? A taxi pulls up next to me and who gets out and walks right in front of me? Only flipping Dom from Muse! I literally stopped in my tracks! And this was no Harry McVeigh moment, this was definitely the real deal! I could not believe my luck! Dazed and starstruck I continued to walk in the direction I was going, no real point to where I was going. About 3 minutes later I thought to myself, "What if he's going to meet the rest of the band? I must follow him!" Yeah, an obsessive shot in the dark thought to have but I had nothing better to do. So, despite almost 5 minutes passing, I continued down the road I saw Dom go down and reached a Tesco. Just as I thought "this is getting ridiculous" who do I see by the checkout in Tesco? Yes, Dom again! I slowed down and did a bit of a double take to check it definitely was him and yeah, it definitely was! I didn't go in though (not that much of a stalker!) but continued until I reached a corner where I stopped and got out my phone to text some people what I had just seen. However, my phone was being its usual self and not working so I gave up. Putting my phone away I realized I had got myself onto a small side road in London by myself and thought "Well I've had my fun, now its getting stupid" and turned back towards Oxford street. I was just grinning stupidly to myself, not quite believing my luck, when I see Dom again! This time he's walking in my direction, but he's with someone whos talking to him so I don't disturb him by shrieking about how much I love Muse. Instead I just slow down as much as I can without him noticing and just gawk. Yeah, I really just wanted to respect his privacy, it was clearly his day off.
All in all, it was pretty surreal. Like one of those moments when it feels like you're actually watching it on tv, when in fact you're there! That brings me to my lyric of the day, it seems only apt for it to be a Muse song...
Lyric of the day: "Future soul forgive this mess, you waste twenty years, then wind up alone, demented" - Fury, Muse
Bargain Queen - that's my Girl!! :-)