Tuesday, 18 January 2011

License to...

I'll start with the bad news, apart from one night, I think it may have been Friday or Saturday, I have not been sketching in my fashion diary! I know, I promised not to fall behind again but this month has so far proved to be the most busy and important month on my life so far, well that what it seems like now. I currently study four A2 levels, a choice which many would see as idiotic and even masochistic, but due to studying in the further maths class I am finishing maths this January, leaving me with so much more "free" time. However, before this can happen I must revise for the two exams that my maths A Level culminates in which so far, I have not really been doing nearly as much as I could be. But this isn't really the end on the world because I have an unconditional offer! (note to self: must not let this get to my head - my maths A Level is very important for my future career) Anyway, besides this I have an art deadline in 2 weeks for which I still have an astonishingly large amount to do (more so than I originally though it seems, but more on this in another blog) and a textiles deadline in about 2 months (this may seem like a long time but I have taken on quite a challenge for myself; making a jacket, top and trousers may be pushing it just past my limit). On top of all of this I have had the impending doom of a driving test, which had to be rescheduled because of the snow and was given to me with less than 2 weeks notice, resting on my shoulders and, quite frankly, overshadowing the importance of everything else in my life.

OK I didn't realise the bad news would take so long, so on to the good news! Said driving test was actually today and, drum roll please... I passed! With 2 minors! It was the biggest emotional roller coaster of a half an hour of my life I think. Within 2 minutes I thought I had failed (this turned out to be only a minor fault) and for the rest of the test I came close to giving up, sure I had failed after the examiner screamed at me to stop as I pulled off to of a right turn, my foot was shaking so much on the clutch as I did my maneuver ( a 3 point turn- the one I wanted!) I still don't quite believe I got away with only 1 more minor after the mini disaster of the first 2 minutes. So, that's a whole lot of my mind, and now I can finally focus a bit more on the creative side of my life, and every other side of my life for that matter.

One of the very few nights off I have had this month came last night, and just in time, if I had spent another night doing maths past papers I think I would have driven myself insane with nerves for today. I have been waiting for last night, with extreme excitement, for a few weeks now and wow, it exceeded all  of my expectations! My brother, his friend, my best friend and I went to see the White Lies in HMV at the opening of their new album "Ritual". They  played about 6 songs and did a signing, unfortunately I didn't get my new facebook profile pic but I did get a copy of the album (which I have been waiting with immense anticipation since seeing them at Wembley Stadium, supporting Muse, and York Hall) signed and we got out drumstick signed and some guitar picks! Whats more, I am pretty sure, well I say pretty sure it could have just been a mirage caused by having too much White Lies on the brain, that I saw Harry McVeigh about 45 minutes after the signing walk past us on the platform at Oxford Circus waiting for a train to Ealing Broadway (White Lies are from Ealing!). He was literally identical and had the same trousers on. Coincidence? I think not! We kept an eye out when we got off at Ealing but he was not sighted again. Oh well, next time, which won't be too long, I'm seeing them in February!  (Harry McVeigh ; p)

Lyric of the Day: "I've got a sense of urgency, I've got to make this happen"- Strangers, White Lies 

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