Thursday, 13 January 2011

Decisions, Decisions...

Today I went to an open day at Central Saint Martins. After a mini-heart attack caused by finding the old confirmation email that said it actually started at 12pm at 10am, not 2:30pm which I could have sworn it was at, all turned out well because they said it was fine for us to just turn up whenever. I have mixed feelings about the place to be honest. As soon as you start to approach the place, before you even turn the corner into the road is is on, you know there's an art college near; the quirky bookshops, the crazy hairstyles and the vintage clothes. I know it has an amazing reputation; I was reminded of this during the tour when we were told that every artist or designer who has made it has studied at Central Saint Martins at some point along the way.

However, before going on this open day I was warned that CSM has a bad reputation for not giving their students enough one-to-one tuition time. My mind was not put at ease when I was told today by a member of staff that the intake for the next academic year will be 750. All of the other colleges I have looked into only have between 100 and 200 students per year. To be perfectly honest 750 students is way too much for a foundation course, I'm sure you would get no where near as much attention as you would need during what is a very important year of your life. Another slightly negative point (well it is when I compare it to my new first choice, Ravensbourne) is that the building is quite old, which is fine but each area for the different departments seem quite small this wouldn't be a problem but lets not forget the small issue of their being 750 students. One of the tutors even used the word "stampede" to describe what its like trying to get into your preferred area of specification. To be perfectly honest it seems just too competitive, what with 750 students all hoping to make it big one day and not enough space or tutors to accommodate these egos. It seems like the pace where you could either hit it big and manage to get yourself into the right crowd and rocket to fame and fortune, or, get trampled by the "stampede" and be lost among the crowd and become just another statistic.

I'm just not getting the same vibes off it that I got off Ravensbourne. I think now this is now definitely my first choice (before it was tied first place with CSM). Its been relocated to a brand spanking new building this year (like the rest of CSM will be APART from the art foundation course, of course) and its just so spacious and airy. Its like a designers heaven; it has technology more modern than the industry, a completely open plan layout and massive tables to spread your stuff out on. The facilities just seem a whole lot better and the best part? Their student union is the O2 Arena which is right next door! My mum has always told me to go with my instincts and my instincts tell me that Ravensbourne is better place for me. Plus, in a slightly biased statement maybe, the tutor at Ravensbourne did say that they would prepare you for the industry better than the University of the Arts London would (basically called them arty farty and ignorant of the current economic market and the need for industry ready graduates).

To cause more confusion, I have my unconditional offer from Bucks New Uni. I still have no idea what this college would be like apart from the fact that it is the closest one to home. I was told to make my decision by the end of January but the thing is I haven't got an open day until February and I don't want to reject this offer as it is just too good but I can;t decide until I see the place.

But enough about University choices, its getting far too late for thinking this deeply. In completely unrelated news I listened to the original Violet Hill by Coldplay for the first time in a long time. Let me tell you, it sounds absolutely feeble in comparison to Pendulum's cover which I have recently re-discovered and finally have on my iPod, although I could be biased.

Lyric of the Day: "If you love me, Won't you let me know?"- Violet Hill, Coldplay 

Disclaimer: do not take my word if you too are looking into these colleges, they suit different people in different ways

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